I try to take the boys to the library every couple of weeks. Our local library has a great kids section and a wonderful children's librarian. We'll sometimes spend an hour looking through books, DVDs, CDs, playing puzzles, reading, etc. We usually leave with a bag full of books. Some of the books I choose ahead of time and have the library hold for us. Others are picked at random off the shelves.
I thought it would be fun to share our library picks and what we think of them. Because let's face it...when your 3.5 year old is picking books at random some of them really suck. And sometimes I think I've made the Mom's Choice of the Year and it turns out to be a real stinker. So here is our first edition of Peanut & Sprout's Library Picks:
The Winners
Olivia and The Missing Toy by Ian Falconer
WE LOVE OLIVIA! Olivia can do no wrong in our house. Both boys love her, Hubby & I love her. Great pictures along with witty preschooler humor. Peanut giggles every time Olivia's baby brother William says "Wooshee gaga."
Little Trucks with Big Jobs by Robert Maass
This short little book gives props to the trucks that often go unnoticed. Normally overshadowed by firetrucks and dump trucks, in this book little mail trucks, fork lifts & ice cream trucks get a chance to make their mark on any truck-loving preschooler.
The Losers
Dinosnores by Kelly S. DiPucchio
This one starts out cute with all kinds of dinosaurs sleeping and snoring, but then abruptly ends with something like "but then all the dinosaurs died." Odd. I'm guessing we picked this one off of the shelf at random.
Almost Gone: The World's Rarest Animals by Steve Jenkins
A perfect example of Mommy pushing her opinions about environmental issues...a little too early. This might be a good book for older kids that can more easily grasp the concepts of "extinction", "destruction" and "Australia."
Buzz Lightyear of Star Command: The Adventure Begins
Quite possibly the worst DVD ever made. It seems to be made by Pixar, but lacks the Pixar pizazz. Not to mention it's VIOLENT! Guns, lasers, "brain pickers" with sharp, shiny blades. We turned it off 5 minutes in and watched Cars instead.
Enjoy more Library Picks!
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